
You have started your journey towards personal and/or professional growth!

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First, watch this short, pre-call video explaining what will happen during our Discovery Call...

Second, learn more about the transformation I help my clients achieve and the process I use...

Finally, spend a few minutes going through the case studies and testimonials below to get a better insight into how I am helping my clients find greater clarity about their career and life path as well as the confidence to take the next steps :)


How I've helped Luciana move from confused and discourage to confident, empowered, and doing less but achieving more.


When we first started working together, Luciana was feeling stuck, confused and discouraged, and she thought she lacked discipline and focus.

The Results

After working together she feels she has gained clarity, confidence, self-esteem: “I feel more empowered”. She can now make decisions, prioritize and not feel guilty about saying ‘No’.

She actually says that “before [working together] I was doing lots of things and I wasn't achieving anything. Now I feel like I'm doing less things, but I'm achieving more. I'm also more present, more calm, more stable.”

The Process

Luciana and Natália worked together initially just for a few sessions, after which Luciana was able to identity her 'real' obstacles (including her limiting beliefs) and what she really wanted to focus on long-term. After that, Luciana decided to do an Annual Plan with Natália guidance and engaged in regular monitoring sessions to ensure that both progress and adjustments were recognised and implemented.

Luciana Fonseca

Expat for over 30 years across different continents,

(Former) ACCESS-Netherlands Project Manager


How I've helped Amália go from a 'perfect job' in her home country to a new, adjusted job hunting approach in her new country


A highly successful professional in her home country, Amália decided to follow her partner across an ocean when he was offered a new job. She still had her (now remote) job but was feeling disconnected from the new country and wanted to find her (new) place.

But how do you find a job in a new country when you already had an amazing one in a different one? How can you re-create perfection?

The Results

"Natalia has been invaluable in my quest to find myself as a professional. It's not just about finding a job, but the Program was a true journey of self-discovery about my abilities, desires, interests that, sometimes, were dormant by a system that only keeps us reactive. [...]  

Today, I am convinced that people should go through such a journey at least once in their lives. :) "

The Process

Amália took her time to go through the Expat Lighthouse modules, find her own answers (with Natália's weekly guidance) and draw an efficient strategy, sharpen her job hunting skills and then get regular support and accountability (from peers and Natália) while she was going through the whole job search process.


Marco is no longer "a boat on the ocean with a lot of fog around"; instead he feels "I finally found [out] what I wanted to do next".


Marco felt his then current job was no longer giving him the fulfilment he wanted and he was impatient to see some change, but he also felt really lost among all the possible options he could consider.

The Results

'Today' he has a Plan A and a Plan B. He now believes that:

“often it's more - not about knowing one [specific] answer - but about feeling you have the direction”, “that – okay - I know where I'm going, yeah!”

"I finally found what I wanted to do next”.

The Process

Working together over a few months helped him “find the path that he wanted”. We investigated what Marco most wanted to get out of his life and career, and what options would put him on the right career track. He then decided his path and took the necessary steps to start (post-graduate) training in a new area he was passionate about.

Marco del Negro

Photographer and future Project Manager in environmental sustainability areas,

Living abroad for past c.15 years, in different European countries.


Book Your Free Discovery Call Now

Take the first step towards a happier life & more fulfilling career!

Contact me to schedule our first, intake talk. This is a totally free 30-40 minutes conversation to hear about your (expat) story, discuss your current situation and challenges, assess if we’re a good match, and explore what type of tailor-made solution would be best for you. Yes, you get to ask all your questions too! :)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Get Started: Book a free Discovery Call now!