The Expat Lighthouse Programme

Am I on the Right Track?


Hello!, and welcome to the page on the programme that will show you how to be confident to move forward in your life and career and offer you support to actually do it, so you can finally have a successful career and fulfilling life, without all the frustration, stress and worry it so often implies.

Let's get going!


To join this programme, you first need to schedule a Discovery Call to see if you qualify!

I want to join now!

This programme is for you:

  • When you are feeling lost or stuck about what to do next in your life or career, overwhelmed or frustrated;
  • If you are or have been an expat - someone living outside your ‘home’ country, whether you went for work, study, love or other reason (this includes spouses & partners, diplomats, mid-senior executives, academics, graduate students, job seekers, and professionals at international companies/organisations);
  • When you are in search of clarity and confidence around your life and/or career direction;
  • When you would like to get a concrete strategy to get to the next level AND support during the actual implementation period;
  • If you would like to exchange experiences with a community of internationally-minded professionals and expats who are also going through similar challenges;
  • If you would welcome some professional support from an experienced expat coach.

No previous technical knowledge or coaching experience is required.

Just the commitment to really show up (also for yourself!) and being open to exploring what's next! :)

What You Can Expect

In this programme you will be working directly with Natália Leal on a weekly basis, have access to plenty of assets and tools to guide you, as well as enjoy the support of a like-minded community, your tribe.

In addition, this programme comes with a '30-Days Money Back' guarantee!

During your qualification and intake process, you will agree your individual goals for joining this programme with Natália: we will discuss what is your ambition but also your commitment level and what resources you are willing to invest within this timeframe, starting with time and willingness to do the exercises; yes, you'll have to do the work!, but I will there to support you the whole way...

GUARANTEE: If you change your mind in the first 30 days after signing your contract, you can ask for your money back without having to present any justification.
(OK, I might be curious and ask :) but there will be no conditions for your refund.)

You can also expect the following:

  • increased clarity about what matters most to you, as well as the personal/professional goals you are working on during this programme;
  • increased confidence on yourself and your ability to grow and implement action;
  • design your own action plan (with long-term timeline and short-term actions)
  • learn how to create new habits (as applicable)
  • greater self-awareness of your unique values and strengths, as well as of your 'cultural assets'.
  • greater awareness of your internal obstacles - including your inner voice, limiting beliefs and fears - as well as some tools to start overcoming them.
  • support in decision-making and prioritizing
  • increased ability to see both the bigger picture but also to focus on what matters.

Cost & What You Will Get

(coming up soon; page under construction)